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Drum Coach

Questions and Answers

Q: What is Drum Coach?
A: Drum Coach is a modern drum practice app that offers daily interactive exercises with video, score, and audio guidance. The app is designed to make practicing fun and easy to follow, and to help users improve their drumming skills.
Q: Who created the exercises in Drum Coach?
A: The exercises in Drum Coach were created by Mariano Steimberg, a professor at Berklee College of Music.
Q: What types of exercises are included in Drum Coach?
A: The exercises in Drum Coach include drum rudiments, drum speed, drum independence, drum coordination, rhythm training, drum endurance, drum stick control, and drum rhythms and patterns.
Q: Is Drum Coach suitable for all skill levels?
A: Yes, Drum Coach is suitable for drummers of all skill levels, from beginners to professionals. The app offers customizable practice routines and progress tracking, so users can set their own goals and track their progress.
Q: Can I record my practice sessions in Drum Coach?
A: Yes, you can record your practice sessions in Drum Coach, and listen to yourself and get feedback.
Q: How does Drum Coach help me to create a daily habit of practicing drums and keeping track of my progress?
A: Drum Coach helps you to create a daily habit of practicing drums by automatically creating and preparing your daily workout based on your preferences. It also helps you to keep track of your progress by saving all your practice sessions with your recordings, notes, and speed.

Q: Is there a cost to use Drum Coach?
A: The app is currently free to download and use. However, in the future, there may be a subscription option available for access to additional features or content.


For any other doubts or feedback, please contact us at 
Drum Coach is created by the Drumap team. If you still don’t know the Drumap app, go ahead and check it out. There you will find thousands of drum scores for different rhythms like samba, rock, jazz, Malinke, and more. If you are a percussionist or drummer, you definitely should check it out.Â